
Meet TorqAgents: Advanced AI-driven assistants designed to streamline and enhance your workflow, providing tailored information from internal and external data sources.

Access to Data

Integrate both internal TorqData repositories and your own internal knowledge bases, providing tailored and high-value information that is not available to the general public.

Model Flexibility

Unlike other AI tools, TorqAgents offer the flexibility to switch between different AI models as they evolve, ensuring you always have access to the latest and most effective technology.

Reusable Templates

Streamline your workflow and maintain consistency with TorqAgents’ reusable templates and orchestration chains. These pre-built, customizable templates can save you time and boost productivity.

Actionable and Automated Intelligence For All Your Data

With the flexibility to switch between different AI models and reusable templates, TorqAgents ensure you always have access to the best technology, boosting efficiency and productivity.

Use Cases: TorqAgents Challenges & Solutions

Data Overload 

TorqAgents streamline your data management by tapping into both internal and external data repositories through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), delivering tailored information that is essential for your needs. This reduces the burden of data overload, ensuring you have access to the most relevant and actionable insights without being overwhelmed.  

Lack of Automation

Automate your daily tasks and complex workflows with TorqAgents’ advanced AI capabilities. Our reusable agents, agent chains and orchestration templates allow you to save time and maintain consistency, transforming how you manage processes and boosting overall efficiency. 

Data Integration Challenges

TorqAgents seamlessly integrate with your existing tools and systems through versatile APIs, ensuring a smooth and intelligent workflow. Our platform supports hybrid deployments, making it easy to unify and manage data from diverse sources without any integration headaches and LLM model agnostic. 

Agnostic Access and Deployments

Accelerate your team with TorqAgents’ powerful AI-driven insights and automated workflows no matter where you need them. By leveraging our Cloud SaaS, AWS, Azure, or Air-Gapped deployments, you can process information, make decisions, and execute tasks faster, more accurately, and where you need it.